Housing availability


Housing availability

When you book a room, you will automatically see the rooms available to you. 

  • Locations are either reserved by a University or by a specific faculty.
  • Accommodations are divided into two categories - shorter or longer than 6 months.
  • In Summer, some locations are only available until mid June where others are available until July or August.
  • Some of our locations are reserved for students of a certain age.
  • Sometimes we have preassigned a specific room to your booking, this means you are not given a choice. The preassigned room will match your specific request or budget indication.
  • Couples rooms are always preassigned to your booking account.
  • Once you have made a final booking, it is not possible to change rooms.
  • All terms & conditions need to be accepted when you make a booking, this includes our the cancellation policy.
  • The booking process is completed online: you will receive a confirmation e-mail with your tenancy agreement when the booking is finished.